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Bubble & squeak

Lesley Holdship

An easy-cook breakfast favourite

Recipe Meta


5 mins


20 mins






  • A good knob of butter
  • 750g leftover cooked potatoes
  • 750g leftover vegetables
  • 100g stuffing


Melt the butter in a 23cm diameter frying pan. Crush the potatoes, season generously and mix with the vegetables and crumbled stuffing.

Spoon the mixture into the frying pan and press flat. Cook for around 10 mins over a medium heat until golden and crusted. Turn the mixture over in segments, forming it back into a large cake each time and cook for a further 7-8 mins, or form the bubble into individual patties and fry for 3-4 mins on each side.

Serve with leftover turkey and piping hot, wine-laced gravy.

ALTERNATIVE: Transform your bubble by adding diced black or hog’s pudding, lightly fried, grated cheese (a salty blue, a strong tangy cheddar or maybe crumbly Gorwydd Caerphilly), crispy cubed pancetta with a soft poached duck egg or flaked cooked fish – and for the ultimate indulgence, finish with hollandaise sauce.

Where to buy these ingredients